The “Jelena” of Monte Cristo

Who else read Count of Monte Cristo? I currently am being forced to. Okay, not forced. There are some parts to the story I enjoy reading. Naturally, I was mainly interested in the love triangle between Dantes, Mercedes, and her cousin, Fernand Mondengo. For those of you who don’t know, Fernand was in love, and I mean, obsessed in love, with Mercedes. Mercedes repeatedly turned him down, as her heart belonged to Dantes. Now, Dantes was sent to prison for 14 years, I think. So, clearly, Fernand was not going to let this be. He constantly reminded Mercedes that Dantes was probably going to be in prison for life. Eventually, his family was lead to believe that Dantes was dead. Dantes was dead, as in, not coming back. Now Mercedes didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t go on without her true love, but she couldn’t stay single forever could she? Guess who she ends up with? Go ahead, guess. Yup, Fernand. Even though he knew she would never feel the same for him as she did for Dantes, he was desperate and in love, he took it anyway. Now Mercedes and Fernand are married. Cousins, married. But, this is a novel, so its okay.
Now, if you knew me, you would know I have not gone far into the novel, but I have read far enough to know all this. It kinda reminds me of all the Jelena drama. For those of you who have been living under a rock, Jelena was the name given to the teenage “couple” Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. I say “couple’ because throughout the relationship, they have spent more time straight up creating drama versus actually dating and having a good time together. They broke up not too long ago, but guess who management did not leave alone? Obviously, they are back together, or so people say. Now I know what your thinking, what does Jelena have to do with Count of Monte Cristo? I am a teenage girl, and I related the love stories within both.
You know its amazing, no matter what I read or come across from classic literature, I can somehow relate it to modern teenage pop music. I know a lot of people don’t have an interest in, and rather hate this music. But, I don’t know. It’s just something I’m passionate about. That can also be related to the Count of Monte Cristo. As far as I have read into the book, all I have seen from Dantes character in concern with Mercedes was passion. She was his passion. She was his reason to live, to keep holding on, to get out of this prison. It was not freedom he wanted, it was her. And look what she did. Look what she did. Now the debate goes on between me and a few friends on whether or not she was to blame. See the drama, see how it definitely relates to modern teenagers. I’ll leave you all with this. Stay beautiful everyone.

-The Fire

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