The Smile of Night

Night is possibly the saddest book I have ever read. I know that everyone says that, but it’s true. Though the entire novel was extremely impacting, my favorite part, the passage that stood out the most to me, was one paragraph that contained this miniscule glimpse of hope and kindness. I am in love with moments in life where everything seems completely awful and terrible, but someone unexpected comes along and says something that makes you feel better.

“Comrades, you are now in the concentration camp Auschwitz. Ahead of you lies a long road paved with suffering. Don’t lose hope. You have already eluded the worst danger: the selection. Therefore, muster your strength and keep your faith. We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life, a thousand times faith. By driving out despair, you will move away from death. Hell does not last forever. And now, here is a prayer, or rather a piece of advice: let there be camaraderie among you. We are all brothers and share the same fate. The same smoke hovers over all our heads. Help each other. That is the only way to survive.”

“Those were the first human words.”

In the situation of Night’s characters, I can’t even imagine how much it must have meant to everyone who was listening, to hear those words of kindness. Right now in my life, one of my best friends Shawn is that ray of positivity for me. When things get stressful and complicated, we say to each other “Breathe in, breathe out, don’t freak out.” We keep each other stable in that way, and constantly remind each other that worrying about things doesn’t help anything. He tells me “Smile; smiling makes everything better”, and I know he believes that with one hundred percent of his heart.

I’ve been really doing my best to focus on the good things and find the positive angles from every situation lately. As a result, this scene from Night really reflects that important part of my life.

The song “Big White Room” by Jessie J talks about being really unhappy and everything going wrong, but then the song picks up tempo and she sings:

“What do I do now? SMILE.”

I think that moments like that, where you realize that you have to believe you’re going to be okay, are so special. Night makes people cry and feel sad and experience pain, but hidden on page forty-one there is this LIGHT. This is the Smile of Night.

I would like to close with a thank you to our readers. Contributing to this blog has been an eye-opening experience. It’s crazy to think this blog started only as an assignment for Honors English. Thank for you proving to me that my words matter.

Rock n’ Roll Forever.

Signing out for the last time, xoxo,

The Musician

REFRAMED: The Art of Cheating

I know we are all human, and most of you would jump at any chance if you could get to do anything you wanted to do. For example say being able to fly, being invisible, going anywhere you wanted to go, even cheat on a test. Well, let me tell you something, I got to do one of them! Of course it’s in the title but that’s beside the point. My English teacher told us to purposefully to cheat on the test. Who could ask for a better teacher? Well except if you got caught you would get docked one point and he would take whatever cheating material away.
It is time now to get into the title, the art of cheating. Since I want to share my ways I shall tell you my art style in this. I got the vocabulary list and put it on the floor for my reference and hid them under my backpack and binder, I know pretty lame huh. I still tried it out and it was interesting. When the teacher left it was the best part… but I think you know what happened so I won’t need to go into detail.
Now I know my ways were lame but I can tell you some better ones. For example say you are “thirsty” and “want a sip of water” well then take your water bottle out and put the answer sheet in the wrapper surrounding it (it can also be used on a coffee cup but turn it around when the teacher walks by). Now I will tell you one more since of course I want you to learn it your own way. Say you know a language your teacher doesn’t, write the answers in that language and have them out, if the teacher notices them say its homework.
Now let’s give you a test to see what you learned.
1. Quick the teacher is coming by and you have your answers out you
A. eat it
B. Do nothing
C. Hide them in a safe place
D. Nothing because they are already hidden in and not out in plain sight
2. The teacher has left the room you automatically
A. Yell out “What’s number one?”
B. Do nothing
C. Poke the person next to you and ask them a question you need help on
D. Wait and see if the teacher is not peeking through to see if anyone is cheating
3. Oh no you need an answer but the teacher is on the prowl you
A. Take out the answers in front of them
B. Do nothing
C. Take a quick peak at the hidden answers
D. Wait for them to walk away
4. Quick the bell just rang and you need to finish up the last few answers that you’re stuck on you
A. Don’t finish it
B. Guess
C. Glance at someone else’s paper
D. Look at your safely hidden answers

Okay the test is complete! How do you think you did? Well let’s find out.
If you got mostly A’s you aren’t ready yet and you need to take more training.
If you got mostly B’s you probably will never cheat in your life even if you were given the opportunity.
If you got mostly C’s you are almost there but a little more training is need for you to become a master.
If you got mostly D’s then CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are an expert on the art of cheating!
WARNING! I didn’t make this to tell you to cheat! I made this to give you ideas if a teacher ever gives you permission to cheat on a test.
P.S. This will be my last post so I want to tell you Good Bye and I hope you enjoyed my posts!
~The White Crayon

Re:d Riding Hood

So, it’s that time of year. Testing. I know it stinks. But, that’s high school. Just be glad you aren’t being driven away from the one you love in fear of him being a murderous wear wolf. Ya, I know. No connection. I read this new book, Red Riding Hood, by Catherine Hardwicke. In a nutshell, the main character, Valerie, is chasing after her true love, Peter, while fighting off an arranged by her mother marriage and the townsfolk thinking she’s a witch because she is the only one who can hear it speaking. Comparing this to state testing, basically the same amount of pain. Spoiler alert: she gets the guy. That’s the difference between the story and state testing, we don’t end up with a hot guy when we finish. I feel like I compare to Valerie, her chasing Peter, and me chasing a chance to pass so I can gain acceptance into a good college. She got what she wanted, let’s pray all of us who took this test got what we wanted.

I have always wondered (since I started the book, anyway) what it would be like to be in Valerie’s situation. Is it an adrenaline rushing thrill for love or a mind draining experience which will end up for nothing. Kinda like testing, you either get the grade (the guy) or you don’t. Sadly, your entire chance of college could land on this one test grade. Messing up ONE day, and-poof, no college admission for you. That’s the connection to the story- if she made just one (crucial, read it and you will see she made many) mistake, she would’ve lost everything-lost him. Only difference is its a much bigger prize for her. For us-it’s only college admission. Wow, I sound so silly, “only college admission”. I know, I know, “you need college for a career and money, blah, blah, blah…” I’ve heard it all before.

Wait, isn’t this my life? Shouldn’t I do what I want? I can’t really do that if all I’m being ranked on are a test score of one day. I wonder what it would be like if testing didn’t exist. Or how the story would’ve ended if the wolf had been destroyed earlier. How different would our lives be? Would life be a breeze or would it lack excitement because we would have no goals or ambition? That’s kind of the only good thing about state testing. It gives us a goal-something to work really hard for. I guess that’s what the wolf did to Valerie. The anticipation for freedom, to think how life would be once the wolf was destroyed. And, now I’m just rambling. But, it really is something to think about. So tell me, in what ways do your lives compare to the life of a teenage girl in Valerie’s situation?

Moral of this story, always try your best and strive for what you want. Work hard and leave the rest to fate, if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. Take care, everyone.

Xoxo, The Fire

Jujitsuing Reality

During our English class, we watched a video called “Jujitsuing Reality”. It’s about a man named Scott who lost his ability to move and talk, but even with his inabilities he is able to write movie scripts. I have seen and heard many stories of how people have lost their ability to walk around or not have certain parts or their body. Some people were born with no arms, hands, and even both arms and legs. Scott is no different. Not being able to talk or move his body does have its disadvantages. Even when all these people might not be able to do things like how we normally do, they find unique ways to get around and be able to do things that we can do.

Even though Scott can’t talk or use body language to communicate with other people, he has help from a girl named Alisa. As you can see in the picture, Scott has an infrared headpiece that sends a signal to a sensor on top of the screen. Wherever Scott moves his head, the sensor uses the movement to help him type something on the screen, like how our body movements help us control a game on an Xbox360 Kinect. Then Alisa looks at the highlighted key on the onscreen keyboard and type out the letter to spell out a word Scott is trying to say. Usually at this pace, if Alisa is able to correctly guess the word Scott tries to say at certain times, Scott is able to finish a movie script in a matter of months. The process is slow, but the technique used to accomplish Scott’s goal is very interesting.

Scott’s inability to talk or move his body is much like the inabilities of Nortier de Villefort from “The Count of Monte Cristo”. Like Scott, Nortier can’t move or talk; however, his method of communication is different. Nortier uses his eyes to communicate with other people, very much like Morse code. Both Scott and Nortier have inabilities that prevent them from living their lives like other people, but they are able to find other ways of being able to communicate with people that don’t require talking or hand gestures.

Look at the painting in the picture. The first thing that may pop in your mind about the painting would be that they are amazing. Then look at the person who did the painting. You probably didn’t expect that such an amazing painting wwas made by someone who didn’t have arms, but it’s true. Some painters that can’t use hands to hold the brush use their mouth or feet to paint. It’s intriguing how these disabled people are able to create a masterpiece. Scott’s way of scriptwriting is the same. Even though he can’t use and verbal technique or his body to complete his work, Scott has Alisa’s help in turning the script into a movie that becomes a huge hit. This style of painting may seem easy, but it’s harder than it looks. This painter had a lot of practice into being able to get used to holding the brush and painting with his mouth or feet.

Whenever you see someone that might have a disability, like blindness or whatever the case, don’t always think that they can’t get around in their life. People find different ways of doing certain tasks. Some techniques may seem a bit unusual and bizarre, but that’s their way of making it interesting and their way of getting around. Remember, in the words or Scott’s movie “Jujitsuing Reality”, “Don’t be lame. Live an interesting life.” And for all those people out there who have any kind of disability reading the post, I hope you all know that no matter what kind of situation you are in, don’t forget that you have your own ways of doing things in life. Share your story with other people so they can see that not everyone has the easy life, but it doesn’t mean that nothing is possible.

-The Little Artist

Au Revoir

First of all, a big congratulations to myself for finishing The Count of Monte Cristo before the test in class. It’s my favorite book we’ve read so far this year, and I very much enjoyed reading it.
Monte Cristo, though fabulously written and entirely captivating, is a really sad book. It’s actually quite tragic, in more ways than one.

The main character Dantes is in love with the beautiful Mercedes, but that love is taken away from him when he is sent to prison for a crime he did not commit. He’s gone for FOURTEEN DAMN YEARS. To put that in perspective for myself, I’m almost sixteen years old. Fourteen longs years- that’s the majority of my life. I haven’t been in love, but the relationships I have been in have all meant a lot to me. To have to leave the love of your life unexpectedly would be the worst pain in the world. I can only imagine how truly awful that would be.
Fire and Rain by James Taylor has been on my mind today, and I think it applies to Dantes and Mercedes.

“I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain

I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end

I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend

But I always thought that I’d see you again.”

Then of course the tragedy continues when Dantes finally arrives back home in Marseilles, only to find his father has passed away of hunger and his former fiancé is married to another man and now living in France.
Before he was taken to prison, his life was perfect. Now look where he’s at.

Yesterday by The Beatles.


All my troubles seemed so far away

Now it seems as though they’re here to stay

Oh I believe

In yesterday.”

The entire novel is decorated here and there with splashes of suffering and sprinkles of death. Off the top of my head I can think of eight characters that died. There must have been at least ten. My teacher shared with us that another one of his students described the novel in six words: “plot twist, plot twist, plot twist.” Amen.
At every turn, the reader has a new life to mourn, a new friend or family member to sympathize with, and a new funeral to attend. We as readers become a part of the journey. I can’t be the only one who shed a few tears throughout all of the chaos.

What about when Madame Villefort kills her own son and then herself? Her son didn’t need to die! This chick’s crazy! What about when Noirtier sees Valentine’s corpse and believes her to be actually dead? I wanted to jump into the book and explain to him that it was all a trick to save her!

I still, though, think that the saddest part of the entire story is the fall out between Mercedes and Dantes. Towards the end, they are back in Marseilles once again. Dantes is giving Mercedes money he had buried at his father’s house because her life is spiraling downhill. They reminisce over the good old times they had, and remember their love for each other.

Mercedes says, “Just as there is a gulf between me and the past, so there is a vast gulf between you and other men, and I admit to you that my most painful torture is to compare you, for there is nothing in the world that can equal you and nothing that resembles you.”

“‘Will you tell me au revoir?’ he asked, holding out his hand to her.”

“‘Yes, I’ll tell you au revoir,’ replied Mercedes, solemnly pointing to the sky. ‘I’ll say it to prove to you that I still hope.’”

I cried when I read that passage. Well done Dumas, well done.

Au revoir, xoxo,
The Musician

Reframed: Writing

Interesting thing, writing. It is a way of expressing and a form of art. It is fun at times but then again it can be a drag. English class is an example of this. “Why?” you may ask, well it’s just the way you execute it. The ways we do it in my English class is both, we either write for learning skills or in some lucky cases, it’s exciting and interesting.

So the activity that we did this particular day is a curious one. We got into groups of four and made a character. It could be an existing one or a whole new one. We were told we would write for a certain amount of time and then pass it clockwise and introduce our characters to our partners. After we received this information we got our mission and we executed it accordingly. Mine was to introduce my character into the others’ stories and kill a character for extra credit, and if I survived in each I would achieve that. The mission we each got was thought to be different than the next but of course our English teacher throws a curve ball at us, THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!! Classic Mr. T, you never know what you will get (but that’s the fun part!). So we do our writing thing and my character keeps killing another character the same way with a gun. As I do this I realize that the sloth, that’s the other character, keeps turning evil. The gears in my head start to turn. “It seems rigged…” I think as I’m writing. Never-the-less I keep writing and only killing the sloth with a gun (no it’s not cruel its writing). When it’s all over we turn it in.

The next day we get ours back and read them. To my surprise as I read the others I see that everyone had the same mission: to kill a character and each one dies at least once, so no extra credit for us. To a surprising shock its either everyone else is living with the sloth dead or the sloth living and everyone else is dead. An inserted quote “neither can live while the other survives.” If you love Harry Potter as much as I do here you go. We all get a kick out of each of ours because a zombie apocalypse keeps appearing except in the original writer’s story.

So we are given an assignment next after reading them. We have to choose our favorite and we can fix anything in it that is necessary i.e. spelling, grammar, transitions, and any additions needed. We choose the least awkward one, the story that first comes with zombies and everyone lives! (Except the sloth…). After that we turned them in with “The Chosen One” on top. To make it even better we are told that we will compete for the best story, which will be interesting to experience.

To help you guys out I will explain the characters in each to make more sense. My character is a muggle-born with green hair, purple eyes, freckles, and her name is Perry. She was going to receive her acceptance letter to Hogwarts but under certain circumstances that plan was crushed. My friend’s was an elf princess named Elestie who lost her parents and was trying to find them. The sloth, named Cornelius, was looking for his lost giraffe named Lupita. The zombie apocalypse story had a black male, Louis, who is from Left 4 Dead the video game. I will also add in pictures to paint a picture for you. Hope this helps to make sense.

This is my character Perry, and I drew it.

perry, sabrinas drawing

This is Cornelius the sloth and Lupita.

sloth and a giraffee

This is Louis, the zombie slayer.

i dont even fucking know.

Finally this is Elestie the elf princess.

fairy fucking princess, what the fuck is this

-The White Crayon

The “Jelena” of Monte Cristo

Who else read Count of Monte Cristo? I currently am being forced to. Okay, not forced. There are some parts to the story I enjoy reading. Naturally, I was mainly interested in the love triangle between Dantes, Mercedes, and her cousin, Fernand Mondengo. For those of you who don’t know, Fernand was in love, and I mean, obsessed in love, with Mercedes. Mercedes repeatedly turned him down, as her heart belonged to Dantes. Now, Dantes was sent to prison for 14 years, I think. So, clearly, Fernand was not going to let this be. He constantly reminded Mercedes that Dantes was probably going to be in prison for life. Eventually, his family was lead to believe that Dantes was dead. Dantes was dead, as in, not coming back. Now Mercedes didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t go on without her true love, but she couldn’t stay single forever could she? Guess who she ends up with? Go ahead, guess. Yup, Fernand. Even though he knew she would never feel the same for him as she did for Dantes, he was desperate and in love, he took it anyway. Now Mercedes and Fernand are married. Cousins, married. But, this is a novel, so its okay.
Now, if you knew me, you would know I have not gone far into the novel, but I have read far enough to know all this. It kinda reminds me of all the Jelena drama. For those of you who have been living under a rock, Jelena was the name given to the teenage “couple” Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. I say “couple’ because throughout the relationship, they have spent more time straight up creating drama versus actually dating and having a good time together. They broke up not too long ago, but guess who management did not leave alone? Obviously, they are back together, or so people say. Now I know what your thinking, what does Jelena have to do with Count of Monte Cristo? I am a teenage girl, and I related the love stories within both.
You know its amazing, no matter what I read or come across from classic literature, I can somehow relate it to modern teenage pop music. I know a lot of people don’t have an interest in, and rather hate this music. But, I don’t know. It’s just something I’m passionate about. That can also be related to the Count of Monte Cristo. As far as I have read into the book, all I have seen from Dantes character in concern with Mercedes was passion. She was his passion. She was his reason to live, to keep holding on, to get out of this prison. It was not freedom he wanted, it was her. And look what she did. Look what she did. Now the debate goes on between me and a few friends on whether or not she was to blame. See the drama, see how it definitely relates to modern teenagers. I’ll leave you all with this. Stay beautiful everyone.

-The Fire

Words to Live By

During our English class, our teacher Mr. Theriault gave us an assignment to write down a quote that we follow. It could be a quote that was said in a movie or book, or a quote that we can make up on our own. There are some quotes that are funny, random, or just something that comes to our mind. But I sometimes see that in some quotes, they are words of wisdom or experience for generations to come or words of motivation and morale. Whenever I read or hear words or a single phrase that captures my attention, I think about the meaning of the phrase and how it might apply to my life. If it’s an important life lesson, I learn from it and always remember the quote. If it’s said to a person important in life, I am touched and moved by the quote as if someone said it to me.

Now I’m not sure how many of you out there are fans of Kingdom Hearts (videogame or manga series), but this includes a lot of quotes that have had my interests. For instance, when Kairi, one of the main characters, tells her friend Sora, “Don’t ever forget, wherever you go, I’m always with you”, I feel how she expresses how even when she and Sora will be apart, they’ll always be together in their hearts. The unbreakable connection of friendship (or in this case love) can be understood in these words and they made me think about how even if when we might not see our friends very often or if we someday have to leave the nest, as long as we keep those we care about close to our hearts we are giving ourselves hope of one day seeing them again. And one of my favorite quotes are in Kairi’s letter to Sora:

“Thinking of you, wherever you are
We pray for our sorrows to end
And hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish
And who knows
Starting a new journey may not be so hard
Or maybe it’s already begun.
There are many worlds,
But they share the same sky-
One sky, one destiny.”
This would mostly be the most popular part of Kingdom Hearts. Kairi expresses how she’s always thinking about Sora and that they will always be together, no matter how far or how long they might be away from one another.

I know that not many people are big fans of Justin Bieber, but I have heard a few of his songs and the one song that is inspiring to me is “Believe”.

“It didn’t matter how many times I got knocked on the floor.
You knew one day that I’ll be standing tall.
Just look at me now.
Everything starts from something,
Something would be nothing,
Nothing if your heart didn’t dream (with me).
Where would I be
If you didn’t believe?”

In this set of words, Justin is saying that because he had people who believed in him, he was able to live his dream of being a famous singer. Now think for a moment: would you be in the position you are now if you didn’t have friends or family that support you and have helped you pull through? We all have hopes and dreams that we want to achieve, but sometimes it takes a little support from the people who care about you to make those hopes and dreams a reality.

There are many quotes out there in the world just waiting to be heard. Some might be unusual, and others might contain words of wisdom. Some quotes can be in depth or can be plain and simple. But sometimes behind a certain quote can contain meanings that can apply to our everyday lives. And whenever you feel like thinking of a good quote, ask yourself: What words would you want to live or be remembered by?

-The Little Artist

Moment of Failure (with “This is My Now” cover)

Today I found myself in English honors 3rd period, as I do every day Monday through Friday. I was actually on time to class today, so things were already looking good. I didn’t know however, that Mr. Theriault (I call him T) was going to tell us such an inspiring story and give us such good life advice, that I would end up dwelling on it the rest of the day and contemplating my entire life.

life is made up of

T talked about a number of great points, and I loved every word of it. One thing he mentioned was that everyone has moments of failure. Sometimes, he said, it is good to share our failures. Usually the stories we want to tell are the ones where we come out on top, the ones where we are the hero/heroine. He said that, then, we do things to lose ourselves and get away from our bad situations.

I’d like to share with you one of my personal failures, and my methods of coping.

We high school kids are so gosh darn insecure. I get really close to people really fast and then I’m disappointed, sometimes heartbroken, when they don’t live up to who I thought they were. Sometimes I’d rather belong anywhere than nowhere. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone else. I always have a good number of friends, but there are many people who I’m only friends with for a short time and fade away from quite rapidly. This is especially true with guys. I jump into relationships way too quickly. It usually results with the later realization that this kid was a jerk and I am yet again, heartbroken.


It happens repeatedly and I end up feeling like I’m not good enough for anyone. I get really sad and I just want to crawl in bed. Then I’ll go home and fight with my dad and be short with my best friend and when I finally get into bed I just cry because sometimes that’s all you really can do.

I deal with pain by listening to music. Either really sad music or really angry music, usually fairly loudly. Some sad songs I use: “Jar of Hearts” by Christina Perri, “Fire and Rain” by James Taylor, “Miserable At Best” by Mayday Parade, “Hopeless” by Train, and “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd. Some angry songs from my “grrr” playlist: “Gives You Hell” by The All-American Rejects, “I Can Do Better” by Avril Lavigne, “Kiss With A Fist” by Florence and the Machine, and “Awful” by Hole. The last song I listen to will be something uplifting and inspiring, such as “Who You Are” by Jessie J, or “This Is My Now” by Jordan Sparks.

understand the lyrics

T talked about how sometimes we spend too much time in the past, and our parents spend too much time in the future and sometimes so do we, and we really need to just STOP for a second, and focus on right now. I don’t know how my life’s going to be going in 5 years from now, but I know that right now, things are alright. I’m not doing perfectly and I’m always fighting with someone, but I’ve learned how to breathe, and be alright. T said that “happiness is NOW.” Tonight I just now made a recording of me covering “This is My Now”. I only did one take, all the way through. Just me sitting in my room in my pj’s, on my laptop which has bad sound quality but oh well.

Sometimes it’s good to be sad. It really is. You have to admit your mistakes and figure out what you’re going to do next time to make things better. You’re in control of your life. Might as well do whatever you want and be whoever you want. Things will change, and it’s all going to be okay. But for the time being, focus on right now. This is your moment.

Seriously guys, “When all else fails, bagels are good.”-T


T said he’s inspired by how brave we as teenagers are to get up every morning and go to school even when things are really bad in our lives. I wonder if he knows even half of how inspired by him we are.

The Musician

The Things We Keep

They go by many names, “tschotskes”, knickknacks, trinkets, or just stuff. They are random things that are given to us, bought for a souvenir, or found on the ground, forgotten by others. Like many other people I like to keep things, and no I’m not a hoarder. I keep things for the memories, but not every little thing like a gum wrapper, because it was a Tuesday. I mean the little things like a figurine of your favorite cartoon character you found, or a picture with you and your friend at the park. They all have important meaning behind them to make a person smile. Like my English teacher said, “I don’t throw away students’ papers, because I feel like I’m throwing away a part of them.” That’s exactly how I feel about my trinkets.
  I read somewhere once that a person with a neat room is bitter compared to a person with a messy room who is cheerful. The reason behind that is the neater person keeps nothing of value such as a handmade card from someone, while the other one has all the things with memories that make them warm and happy inside. This is just a stereotype so I hope no one gets mad at me!
   Now lets play a game to see if you have a neat room or a messy one. The following pictures will be either be A. trinkets or B. Junk; the answers will be at the bottom.
  Lets get started!
#1 Bird pins
A. Trinkets
B. Junk

bird pins

#2 A gum wrapper
A. Trinket
B. Junk

gum wrapper

#3 empty Chap-sticks
A. Trinkets
B. Junk

empty chapsticks

#4 a hand made snow globe
A. Trinket
B. Junk

hand made snow globe

#5 A souvenir cup from New York
A. Trinket
B. Junk


#6 A broken mirror
A. Trinket
B. Junk

broken mirror

#7 A piece of cardboard
A. Trinket
B. Junk


#8 A bumble bee key chain
A. Trinket
B. Junk

bumble bee effing key chain mother effer. eff.  
  Now let’s see how you did:

If you got all A’s then you have a messy room and believe that everything has great potential.

If you got half A’s and half B’s then you have an organized mess, like me, and you keep almost anything you get that makes you smile.

If you got all B’s then you have a really neat room and see that nothing is worth keeping except really treasured items.

  Now that you know what type of room you have, do you see what I’m talking about, or do you think I’m crazy for keeping a small thing of joy? Anything can really make you smile either a piece of gum your friend shared or a dandelion you could make a wish on. Or even if you find a nice piece of scrap metal and want to make a sculpture out of it, like my mom, or a piece of cardboard to draw on, like me. It all makes sense to the person who finds it, it’s their little joy and happiness. They find its potential and to them it means the world.

*(NOTE: all the pictures were found from Google)*

-The White Crayon