Words to Live By

During our English class, our teacher Mr. Theriault gave us an assignment to write down a quote that we follow. It could be a quote that was said in a movie or book, or a quote that we can make up on our own. There are some quotes that are funny, random, or just something that comes to our mind. But I sometimes see that in some quotes, they are words of wisdom or experience for generations to come or words of motivation and morale. Whenever I read or hear words or a single phrase that captures my attention, I think about the meaning of the phrase and how it might apply to my life. If it’s an important life lesson, I learn from it and always remember the quote. If it’s said to a person important in life, I am touched and moved by the quote as if someone said it to me.

Now I’m not sure how many of you out there are fans of Kingdom Hearts (videogame or manga series), but this includes a lot of quotes that have had my interests. For instance, when Kairi, one of the main characters, tells her friend Sora, “Don’t ever forget, wherever you go, I’m always with you”, I feel how she expresses how even when she and Sora will be apart, they’ll always be together in their hearts. The unbreakable connection of friendship (or in this case love) can be understood in these words and they made me think about how even if when we might not see our friends very often or if we someday have to leave the nest, as long as we keep those we care about close to our hearts we are giving ourselves hope of one day seeing them again. And one of my favorite quotes are in Kairi’s letter to Sora:

“Thinking of you, wherever you are
We pray for our sorrows to end
And hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish
And who knows
Starting a new journey may not be so hard
Or maybe it’s already begun.
There are many worlds,
But they share the same sky-
One sky, one destiny.”
This would mostly be the most popular part of Kingdom Hearts. Kairi expresses how she’s always thinking about Sora and that they will always be together, no matter how far or how long they might be away from one another.

I know that not many people are big fans of Justin Bieber, but I have heard a few of his songs and the one song that is inspiring to me is “Believe”.

“It didn’t matter how many times I got knocked on the floor.
You knew one day that I’ll be standing tall.
Just look at me now.
Everything starts from something,
Something would be nothing,
Nothing if your heart didn’t dream (with me).
Where would I be
If you didn’t believe?”

In this set of words, Justin is saying that because he had people who believed in him, he was able to live his dream of being a famous singer. Now think for a moment: would you be in the position you are now if you didn’t have friends or family that support you and have helped you pull through? We all have hopes and dreams that we want to achieve, but sometimes it takes a little support from the people who care about you to make those hopes and dreams a reality.

There are many quotes out there in the world just waiting to be heard. Some might be unusual, and others might contain words of wisdom. Some quotes can be in depth or can be plain and simple. But sometimes behind a certain quote can contain meanings that can apply to our everyday lives. And whenever you feel like thinking of a good quote, ask yourself: What words would you want to live or be remembered by?

-The Little Artist